Teresa Eaton


Mixed Media Collage

Teresa was born in San Francisco in 1954. She began hand-weaving as a young woman and developed a career designing  and marketing her handwoven jackets, coats, vests and scarves throughout the country at shows, boutiques and galleries.

In 2000, Teresa was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer.  After rigorous treatment she was free of the cancer and in response decided to turn her attention to collage and works on canvas to more fully express her spiritual and artistic vision.

She began working in mixed media collage, specifically with paper she made which she painted with acrylics.  Then she assembled the paper adding found objects, found papers, elements of metal and wood.  Her work continued to strongly suggest the hand-weaving of her past and she came to regard her new work as both facsimile and metaphor. She began to incorporate old fabrics, pieces of jewelry with their soft patinas, rocks and stone elements into the work.

Teresa sought in her work to explore the concepts of time passing and the beauty of aging and decay. She created boxes to meld into the work - boxes that seem both familiar and old; boxes with a sense of mystery, perhaps containing secrets.

In March of 2006, Teresa was diagnosed with a return of her breast cancer.   Although she fought valiantly she passed from this world on November 2, 2007.   Her spirit and passion continues to live in her work.